Capital Preferences, the creator of TrueProfile,
is currently focusing on delivering its breakthrough profiling solutions for enterprise customers

The 60-Second Scientific Profile—A Breakthrough


Those who know their clients best, win.

TrueProfile is the only tool in the market to reveal your clients’ true risk tolerance, loss aversion and decision consistency as defined by economic science —giving you statistical confidence for every client result.


Do you swear by your science? We swear by ours.

Most advisors have been apologizing for their questionnaires for years.  After 20 years of hard earned research and development, TrueProfile delivers an affordable and undeniable leap forward for the industry.


The Advisor who knows the client best, wins

Validated by the world's leading economists

Document your client’s economic rationality, meeting the highest know-your-client standards.
Every client profile has >95% confidence

Tease apart risk tolerance and loss aversion, to statistical standards not possible thru surveys.

Treat every client as unique

Practice utility-based portfolio optimization without a PhD.

Easy for You and Your Clients

Intuitive, short, gamified activity that is easy for your clients. Insightful, efficient and empowering for you.

Pays for Itself

For more meaningful, discovery-rich conversations that take the pain and cost out of profiling.

Highest Scientific Defense Possible

Meet the highest standard of advice. Predict problems for and with clients before they arise.

Problem Solved: Reduce Time to Portfolio™

TrueProfile is a financial x-ray into your clients’ decisions about risk and reward. It ranks every one of your portfolios by its FitScore with your clients’ risk tolerance and loss aversion.  If your client is unsure, confused or has low conviction in their investment comfort zone, it’ll show that, too. 

Eliminate client surprises.  Make the client the benchmark.

Globally validated

With major innovation awards in six countries, recognition from a leading regulator and world-wide support from advisors, our sole purpose is to advance the science of understanding clients, so you can run a growing and defendable business in the digital age.